I do research in Collaborative Software Engineering and Model-Driven Engineering, and push it to industrial settings. I work as Associate Professor at San Jorge University.
Research interests include:
- Model-Driven Engineering- Collaborative Software Engineering
Selected research papers:
- Boosting fault localization of statements by combining topic modeling and Ochiai. Information & Software Technology Journal. 173: 107499 (2024).
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- Studying the Influence and Distribution of the Human Effort in a Hybrid Fitness Function for Search-Based Model-Driven Engineering. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering Journal (2023).
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- How the Quality of Maintenance Tasks is Affected by Criteria for Selecting Engineers for Collaboration. ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology Journal (2022).
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- Empowering the Human as the Fitness Function in Search-Based Model-Driven Engineering. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering Journal (2021).
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- Topic modeling for feature location in software models: Studying both code generation and interpreted models. Information & Software Technology Journal. 140: 106676 (2021).
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- Utilizing Automatic Query Reformulations as Genetic Operations to Improve Feature Location in Software Models. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering Journal (2020).
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- Comparing manual and automated feature location in conceptual models: A Controlled experiment. Information & Software Technology Journal. 125: 106337 (2020).
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- Collaborative feature location in models through automatic query expansion. Automated Software Engineering Journal. 26(1): 161-202 (2019).
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- Fragment retrieval on models for model maintenance: Applying a multi-objective perspective to an industrial case study. Information & Software Technology Journal. 103: 188-201 (2018).
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